• Using Inserts
  • Using Parallel Compression
  • Drum Techniques

As you can see, the AMP mixer is customizable to meet just about any user need.  Now that you’ve chosen your mixer window, channel strip and routed some effects, let’s discuss some basic navigation and operations that will speed up your workflow. 

Right Click On  Channel 

RIGHT-CLICK anywhere on the channel (except the fader area).  This will reveal a number of channel parameter choices including Snapshot, Copy, Slot Type, Color, Stereo Link and more.  This allows easy access to most settings associated with that individual channel. 

Color Selection 

Keep your channels visually organized by assigning a different color to each. 

Insert Spacer 

Another way to visually stay organized is to insert a spacer in between channel groups. Simply RIGHT CLICK on the channel and select “Insert Spacer.”  This will place a vertical separator after the channel. 


RIGHT-CLICK on any channel.  CLICK Snapshot > Save (or Load)  in the drop-down menu. Then, select from several parameters to save (e.g. EQ, Dynamics). 

Move channels around

To reorganize channel locations simply HOLD the left shift button on your keyboard, then CLICK and DRAG the channel to its new location. 

Keyboard Shortcuts Page 

To find a helpful lists of pre-defined keyboard shortcuts, CLICK Configuration > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts.  Here, you have the ability to change any key shortcut. DOUBLE-CLICK or start typing over a shortcut within an individual cell. You can also save the list to share. 


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